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Meet Our Team

We are here to make your experience unforgettable!

At Rivero VillasWe understand that the choice of your holiday accommodation is a crucial step towards an unforgettable experience. That's why our team is made up of passionate and experienced experts in the tourism and real estate sector. Let us introduce you to the pillars of our company:

José RiveroWith an impressive 20-year track record in the hotel and rural tourism industry, José is the heart and soul behind our reservations operations. A graduate in Hotel Management from the Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM) in Switzerland, he has dedicated his life to creating unique holiday experiences. From managing holiday cottages to holiday homes in the Canary Islands, his knowledge and experience are invaluable in ensuring your holiday is exceptional.

Hector SocorroEconomist at heart and a real estate expert with more than 5 years of experience in the sector. Hector deeply understands the needs of both owners and guests. His focus is on ensuring profitability and peace of mind for owners, and an exquisite and comfortable experience for guests. His passion for economics translates into a unique ability to advise and guide in every aspect of property management.

At Rivero VillasOur mission is simple: to connect our guests with perfect accommodations and to ensure that the owners feel secure and satisfied. José and Héctor are the perfect guides on this trip, combining experience, passion and a deep understanding of every facet of tourism and property management.


Jose Rivero

Hector Socorro

Villas Rivero Tourist Intermediary Registration No. I-0003805.1